The short answer is maybe.
If you have a B12 level higher than normal, being screened for a variety of cancers is not a bad idea. The risk is higher for a range of cancers.
Keep in mind this is an elevation in B12 that is not in response to taking a lot of B12 supplements. ( blood-levels/)
Here's the risk from a range of different cancers. (Image from:

The key is that the marker may not only tell if you are at higher risk, it may also tell your chances of survival.
"When testing for trend in survival rates between the three Cbl level groups, we observed trends toward lower survival with higher Cbl levels for all three follow-up periods for both patients with localised and non-localised cancer. The differences in survival with higher Cbl levels were similar after 2, 5 and 10 years" ( science/article/pii/S187778211 5002854)
B12, a simple blood test that might change your life.
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