Photo by Pixabay from Pexels When someone reaches the “ripe” old age of 95 and dies , we can feel good that they’ve had a long life. But in medicine we see far too much ageism, decisions being made based on age. A twenty-year-old may get a surgery that an 80-year-old is refused. For stomach cancer, a recent analysis found that elderly patients were as good as younger patients at recovering afterward. But stomach cancer is usually found too late to do anything for any patient. The early symptoms of stomach cancer are so much like heartburn that a patient may let symptoms advance for a decade or more before seeking medical help. Gloria Vanderbilt’s stomach cancer was already advanced, meaning that it had progressed beyond the stomach. Even at earlier stages, the survival rate for patients is 18% . Beyond that stage, virtually no medical intervention could have prolonged her life more than six months . It is common to also look at her life and wonder...