A video game that works better at diagnosing Alzheimer's disease than all existing testing? Too good to be true? We need to start with a quick summary of parts of my book, The Dementia Diet . I go through all our existing testing and point out that it really doesn't detect Alzheimer's disease. Seriously, I was surprised as well. Even though I know better, I'd like to believe billions spent on big machines would make us safe and wise. As soon as they come up with a diagnostic hand-held device like they had on Star Trek, I know I'll just want it to work. But the bottom line is that the existing tests don't really help us. The most high-tech method for detecting memory loss is having your doctor interview you. So basically this video game might be better than nothing. Is it? The article I read from CNN starts off well . They had 4.3 million users of this video game. That's a huge pool, and impossible to copy in any lab setting. So how did they tell if t...